Protein C Coagulant


Protein C is the major physiological anticoagulant. Its synthesis occurs in the liver and is vitamin K-dependent. It is triggered by thrombin in the active C protein (APC). The active form (with S protein as cofactor) degrades Factor V and Factor VIII. It is part of the blood electrophoretic group of alpha-globulins.

The role of protein C ticoagulant in humans was first noted by Saagers in the 1960s that gave C protein its original name: autoprotrombine II-a. Protein C was then isolated for the first time by Johan Stenflo from bovine plasma in 1976, and Stenflo himself determined that the action was K-dependent vitamin. He renamed protein C as it was the third protein (“peak C”) eluted by a DEAE-Separose ion exchange chromatographic column.
Protein deficiency C is a rare genetic disorder that predisposes deep vein thromboses and natural abortion. Therapy uses anticoagulants. If a protein C deficiency is genetically rare, the most frequent development of activated protein C is associated with venous thromboembolism in a percentage of cases that could reach 64%. Activated protein C resistance (or APCR , Activated protein C resistance ) is a disorder of congenital haemostasis (dominant autosomal ) or acquired with a weak anticoagulant response to activated C protein (APC). This causes an increased risk of venous thrombotic events, which can cause circulatory problems such as pulmonary embolism. Indeed, activated C protein (with S protein as cofactor) degrades factors Va and VIIIa. Resistance to activated protein C is the inability of protein C to inactivate one or both of the activated factors V or VIII. This results in a prolonged generation of thrombin that can lead to a hypercoagulative state.

Reaction at 37 ° C. Dispensing 50 m of plasma lacking protein C (R2), 100 l of prediluted citrated plasma diluent (provided in the kit), 25 l of C activator (R1), 25 m < aPTT (R4), 50 calcium chloride (R5). Standard included in the kit (R3). Lyophilic Reagents. Stability 3 months at 2-8 ° C. Do not freeze. Reaction at 37 ° C. Dispense 100 Protac®, 25 l of prediluted citrated plasma (physiological solution, not supplied in 100), 100 m of SaPC-21, 100 of acetic acid (not supplied in kit ). Standard not included in the kit see ref 333212.

Ref. Description Package


FO229B PROTEIN C Coagulant 40 tests
Determination of protein C activity in human plasma. The protein C present in the sample is first activated by adding a specific snake venom (Agkistrodon contortrix). Coagulant C inhibits Factor V and factor VIII, which involve in an elongation of the PTT test, as indicated above: the greater the coagulation time, the greater the amount of protein C present in the sample.

Lyophilic Reagents. Stability 7 days at -20 ° C.

Reaction at 37 ° C. Dispensing 50 m of plasma lacking protein C (R2), 100 l of prediluted citrated plasma diluent provided in the kit), 25 l of C activator (R1), 25 m < aPTT (R4), 50 calcium chloride (R5). Standard included in the kit (R3).



332313 PROTEIN C COAGULANT 2.5 3×25 ml
333212 Plasma calibrator 12×1 ml
Ready to use lyophilic reagent and stable until the expiration date. Reconstitute with 1 ml of distilled water. Stable 8 hours at room temperature, 24 hours at 2-8 ° C. Do not freeze.

Measurable Parameters: Factor VIII + X, Antithrombin III, Protein C, Protein S, Free Protein S, Factor VIII, Protrombin, Factor V, VII, IX, X, XI, XII, Fibrinogen, Lupus Anticoagulant. >



FO229B PROTEIN C Ag 96 tests
Quantitative determination of protein C in human plasma. The protein C, which is present in the sample, binds to human C-monoclonal antibodies coated on the wells. The plates are then washed to remove unbound proteins and other plasma molecules. Subsequently, a C human protein conjugated with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) is introduced into each well. After incubation, the unbound conjugate is eliminated by washing. The addition of a tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) substrate and hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ) leads to the development of a blue-colored solution. The addition of sulfuric acid (H  2 SO 4 ) 0.36 N will turn the color of the yellow solution, reducing the TMB and blocking the reaction, denaturing HRP : optical density measurement at 405 nm is directly proportional to the amount of protein C present in the sample to be examined.

Ready-to-use liquid reagents.

Stable up to the expiration date. Reaction at 37 ° C. Dispense the pre-diluted sample, wait 40 minutes for the first incubation, wash the wells, dispense the enzyme conjugate, incubate for 10 minutes, wash the wells, and dispense chromogen. After 10 minutes, block the reaction by dispensing the stop solution. Standard included in the kit (3 bottles, same level). Lyophile to be reconstituted with 0.5 ml of bidistilled water. Stable 24 hours at 2-8 ° C. Do not freeze.



GA118 PROTEIN C RID 14 test
Dosage of protein C in human plasma in radial immunodiffusion.

Reaction: dispense 5 m l of citrated plasma Wait 24-48 hours to form the precipitation ring. Read the diameter and calculate the protein C concentration by the appropriate graduated scale.