Chimica clinica

Ref Description Pack
030063 Total bile acids 5×10; 1×13 ml
Enzymatic colorimetric method with NBT. Absorption 546 nm. Bi-reactive (Fixed-time in 5 min). Sample report/Solution R1/Reagent 2: 1/2/0.5. Linearity 200 mmol/l. Standard kit
890250 Uric acid 5×50 ml
Enzymatic colorimetric method Trinder. Absorption 550 nm. Mono-reactive (End point in 10 min). Sample report/ R1: 1/40. Linearity: 20 mg/dl.


1310300 Albumin 4×75 ml
Colorimetric method using bromocresol Green. Absorption 630 nm. Mono-reactive. Sample report /R1: 1/300. Linearity: to 6 g/dl


900100 Aldolase 5×20 ml
Kinetic method U.V. Aldolase in Serum and plasma. Absorption 340 nm. Tri-reactive: 1 liofilo reagent. Sample report /Solution R1/R2/R3: 1/12.5/0.25/0.05. Linearity: 30 UI/l.


270100 Alpha amylase 2×50 ml
Enzymatic colorimetric method to CNPG3 in the serum, in the plasma and in the urine. Absorption 405 nm. Mono-reactive. Sample report /R1: 1/40. Linearity: 1500 U/l 


910100 Ammonia Ultra 3×20 ml
UV Enzymatic kinetic method ( GLDH). Absorption 340 nm. Mono-reactive. Sample report / R1: 1/11. Linearity: 1700 µg/dl. Standard kit.


520250 direct bilirubin 4×75; 2×5 ml
Colorimetric method DMSO. Absorption 555 nm. Bi-reactive with sample white (End point in 5 min). Sample report /Solution/Reagent 2: 1/15/0.5. Mono-reactive without sample white. Sample report /Solution R1: 1/15. Linearity: 20 mg/dl.


280250 total bilirubin 4×75; 2×5 ml
Colorimetric method . Absorption 555 nm. End point in 5 min. Bi-reactive with sample white . Sample report /R1/R2: 1/15/0.5. Mono-reactive without sample white. Sample report /Solution: 1/15. Linearity: 20 mg/dl.


600250 Calcium arsenate III 4×62.5 ml
Colorimetric method to Arsenazo. Absorption 660 nm. Mono-reactive, end point in 5 min. Sample report /R1: 1/100. Linearity: 20 mg/dl


1010060 Ck-Mb 1×20 + 1×5 ml
Kinetic method U.V . Absorption 340 nm. Bi-reactive. Sample report /R1/R2: 1/20/5. Linearity: 600 U/l


550250 Ck-Nac 5×50 ml
Kinetic method UV for the determination of Creatine Kinase in serum and plasma. Absorption 340 nm. Bi-reactive . Sample report /R1/R2: 1/32/8. Linearity: 1600 Ul/L.
750300 Chlorides 4×75 ml
Direct colorimetric method of Chlorides in biological fluids. Absorption 480 nm. Mono-reactive (end point in 5 min) /R1: 1/100. Linearity: 130 mEq/l.


770200-180 Direct HDL cholesterol 3×45 + 1×45 ml
Direct method without precipitation for the determination of HDL cholesterol. Reading 600 nm. Bi-reactive. End point in 5 min. Sample report 1/75//R1/R2:25. Linearity: 180 mg/dl.


1300080 Direct LDL Cholesterol 1×30 + 1×10 ml
Direct method without precipitation for the determination of LDL cholesterol. Absorption 600 nm. Bi-reactive. End point in 5 min. Sample report 1/75//R1/R2:25. Linearity: 1000 mg/dl.


540300 Total Cholesterol 4×75 ml
Trinder colorimetric enzymatic method of cholesterol of the serum and plasma. Absorption 510 nm. Mono-reactive, end point in 5 min. Sample report /R1:1/100. Linearity: 700 mg/dl


10250 Cholinesterase 5×50 ml
Descending kinetic method for the determination of Cholinesterase in the serum and plasma. 405 nm reading. Bi-reactive . Sample report/R1/R2:1/40/10. Linearity: 12000 U/L


550300 Creatinine 2×75 + 2×75 ml
Creatinine colorimetric method in biological fluids without Deproteinization. Absorption 510 nm. BI-reactive, Fixed-time. Sample report /R1/R2:1/20/20. Linearity: 25 mg/dl.


BLS1210 Monoreagent Creatine 4×75 ml
Creatinine colorimetric method in biological fluids without Deproteinization. Absorption 510 nm. Mono-reactive, Fixed-time. Sample report/R1:1/40. Linearity: 25 mg/dl


1320010 DIbucaine 2×10 ml
Descending kinetic method for quantitative determination of Dibucaine ointment 1% number. Absorption 405 nm . Mono-reactive. Sample report /R1/R2:1/40/10. Linearity: 12000 U/L. To use together with the Colinestrasi kit (Ref 10250).


570250 Iron Ferene 3×66.67 + 1×50 ml
The method for determination of serum iron Ferene. Absorption 578 nm. Bi-reactive, end point. Sample report/1/4/1 R1/R2:. Linearity: 600 µ g/dl.


3-258 Iron Ferene 5×50 + 1×50 ml
The method for determination of serum iron Ferene. Absorption 550 nm. Bi-reactive (End point in 10 min). Sample report: 8/1//R1/R2 2. Linearity: 1000 µ g/dl.


1330057 Total Acid phosphatase 19×2 ml
Colorimetric method-Naftilfosfato. Absorption 405 nm . Bireactive, kinetic. 1/10/R1: sample report for total acid phosphatase. Sample report: 1/10/R1/R2/0.1 for prostatic fraction. Linearity: 150 IU/l. The working solution is prepared from lyophilized: stability 2 R1 days at 2-8° c.
580250 Alkaline Phosphatase 5×50 ml
Kinetic method for the determination of alkaline phosphatase in serum and plasma based on the recommendations of the DGKC. Absorption 405 nm . Bi-reactive. Sample report/R1/R2:1/40/10. Linearity: 2000 U/l.
590300 Phosphorus 4×75 ml
Direct colorimetric method for the determination of inorganic phosphorus on serum samples. Absorption 340 nm. Mono-reactive, end point in 5 min. Sample report/R1:1/100. Linearity: 20 mg/dl.
240250 Gamma GT 5×50 ml
Kinetic method for the determination of Gamma-glutamyl-transferase in serum and plasma. Absorption 405 nm. Bi-reactive. Sample report/R1/R2:1/16/4. Linearity: 1200 IU/l.


610300 Glucose 4×75 ml
Colorimetric method for the determination of Glucose in serum and plasma. Absorption 510 nm. Mono-reactive, End point in 5 min. Sample report/R1:1/100. Linearity: 500 mg/dl.
100250 Got (Ast) 5×50 ml
Kinetic method for the determination of aspartate aminotransferase in serum and plasma according to recommendation of the IFCC. Absorption 340 nm. Bi-reactive. Sample report/R1/R2:1/8/2. Linearity: 440 mg/dl.


120250 Gpt (Alt) 5×50 ml
Kinetic method for the determination of alanine aminotransferase in serum and plasma according to recommendation of the IFCC. Absorption 340 nm. Bi-reactive. Sample report/R1/R2:1/8/2. Linearity: 440 mg/dl.


230250 Ldh 5×50 ml
Kinetic method for the determination of lactate dehydrogenase in serum and plasma based on recommendation of the DGKC. Absorption 340 nm. Bi-reactive. Sample report/R1:/R2:1/40/10. Linearity: 800 U/l.


1340048 Lipase 1×40 + 1×8 ml
Determination of pancreatic lipase in human serum and plasma. Absorption 570 or 580 nm. BI-reactive, kinetic method. Sample report/R1/R2:1/100/50. Linearity: 400 IU/l. winder calibrator.
700300 Magnesium 4×75 ml
Colorimetric method for the determination of the xylidyl bleu magnesium in serum. Reading 520 nm. Mono-reactive, end point in 3 min. Sample report/R1:1/100. Linearity: 5 mg/dl.


650300 Total Protein 4×75 ml
The colorimetric method for the determination of total protein biuret in serum and plasma. Absorption 540 nm. Mono-reactive, end point in 10 minutes. Sample report/R1:1/100. Linearity: 10 g/dL.


1920300 Total Protein (Urine e Liquor) 4×75 ml
Colorimetric method for the determination of protein in urine and CSF. Absorption 600 nm. Mono-reactive (End point in 10 min). Sample report/R1:1/50. Linearity: 200 mg/dl.


340300 Triglycerides 4×75 ml
Colorimetric method for the determination of Trinder triglycerides in serum and plasma. Absorption 546 nm. Mono-reactive, end point in 5 minutes. Sample report /R1:1/100/. Linearity: 1000 mg/dl.
540250 Urea 5×50 ml
kinetic method for the determination of Urea in serum, plasma or urine. Absorption of 340 nm. Sample report /1/80/20/R2:R1: Linearity:350 mg/dl