Sexually transmitted diseases


Ref. Description   Package
500030 CANDIDA ALBICANS 20 card
Direct search of Candida albicans directly from vaginal swab. Sensitivity: 90.6%, 
Specificity: 99.7%.


8001C01-5 Chlamidya Trachomatis 20 card
  Rapid test for qualitative determination of Chlamidya trachomatis antigen on cervical swab in the woman and urethral swab or urine sample in humans


VQ81601 Gardnerella vaginalis 20 card
  Direct search of Gardnerella vaginalis in vaginal samples.


7015 Herpes 1+2 IgG e 2IgG 25 card
  Vertical sliding immunoflow test for the determination of IgG antibodies directed against HSV type 1 and 2, and IgV antibodies directed against HSV type 2, in two distinct reaction zones. Sensitivity: 100%, Specificity: 100%, reproducibility:100% .


500070 Herpes 1 e 2 Ag 20 card
Immunocromatographic test for the detection of type 1 and 2VHSV antigen in skin lesions and 
vaginal swab. Sensitivity: 89.1%, Specificity: 95.9%.


 Test for the detection of antibodies directed to the acquired immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in serum, plasma or whole blood. Sensitivity: 99.9%, Specificity: 99.5%.
5059 HIV TOP I/II 25 card
Rapid test for the detection of antibodies directed to the acquired immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 
virus in serum, plasma or whole blood. Sensitivity: 99%, Specificity: 100%


8008C21-5 Mononucleosis IgM 25 card
  Detects the heterophile antibodies of infectious Mononucleosis. Serum and plasma. Sensitivity: 98.6%, Specificity: 98.8%.


500020 Neisseria gonorrhoeae 20 card
  Direct antigen search on vaginal and urethral swabs. Sensitivity: 99.6%, Specificity: 99.9%.


VQ81305 Streptococcus Group B Ag 20 card
  Direct Streptococcus B antigen search directly from vaginal and urethral swabs. Sensitivity: 99%, Specificity: 97.8%.


  Search for antibodies IgG, IgA, IgM anti Treponema pallidum in serum and plasma. Sensitivity: 100%, Specificity: 99.7%.


5000040 TRICHOMONAS vaginalis 20 card
   Direct antigen search in vaginal swabs. Sensitivity: 93.6%, Specificity: 99.2%.